What are Crucial Tips for Safe Driving on Memorial Day Weekend?
May 6, 2021
American roadways can be very dangerous during holiday travel, especially on Memorial Day weekend. Memorial Day means more people traveling for the holiday and to take advantage of the warmer weather. With so many vehicles on the roads, this is one of the deadliest travel days of the year. The following driving tips will help motorists reduce their risk of a car accident during the holiday weekend.
Avoid Distractions
One of the leading causes of car accidents is distracted driving. Cellphones have become a major part of everyday life, and it is easy to become distracted by phone calls, texts, and social media. It is extremely important for drivers to be aware of the dangers of taking their attention off the road. Looking at a phone while driving can severely slow reaction time and can play a major role in an accident.
Make Sure the Vehicle is Road Ready
Maintaining the car can go a long way in preventing an accident. Low fluids or bad tires could lead to a vehicle becoming inoperative during travel, so it is important to make sure the car is completely ready for travel.
Drive Sober
Memorial Day weekend is very dangerous for another reason. In addition to the large numbers of travelers on the roadways, it is also a peak time for drunk drivers. From family barbeques to large gatherings, many people spend part of the extended weekend relaxing with a few drinks. If one plans to drink on a night out, it is important to arrange for a ride home ahead of time.
Be Alert and Attentive
It is always important to stay alert while driving. On Memorial Day weekend, it is even more important to pay attention to other drivers. As mentioned above, there may be more intoxicated drivers on the roads. Additionally, this is an extremely busy traffic time, especially as Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions ease up and more people are taking advantage of the opportunity to get out and travel.
Additionally, it is important to rest when needed and only drive when fully alert. Drowsy driving is just as dangerous as drunk driving.
Properly Use Auto Safety Devices
Wearing a seat belt can prevent a catastrophic or fatal injury. For those traveling with children, car seats and boosters that are properly sized are equally important. The driver should always make sure that everyone in the vehicle is properly and safely secured in the car.
All motorists should drive defensively during the holiday weekend. If a collision does happen, it is advisable to speak to a lawyer about one’s legal options.
Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers at Nerenberg Law Associates, P.C. Help Drivers After Holiday Travel Accidents
Motorists should practice safe driving on Memorial Day weekend. If a collision does happen, a lawyer can help. A dedicated Philadelphia car accident lawyer at Nerenberg Law Associates, P.C. can give you legal advice after a car wreck. Call us at 215-569-9100 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. Located in Philadelphia, we proudly serve clients throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey.